2019 Peer Support Certification Leduc

Peer Support Certification Workshop – Update and Details

Important Update:

Due to changes in the facilitator’s schedule, the Peer Support Certification workshop, originally scheduled for April 12th and 13th, 2019, in Leduc, AB, has been canceled. However, we plan to reschedule it in July. To stay informed, please visit www.legacyplacesociety.com for updates.

The Importance of Peer Support Certification:

Connecting with others who understand your challenges provides unmatched support. Peer support fosters empathy and understanding, which are crucial for first responders and military personnel. To address this need, the Mood Disorders Society of Canada’s Peer and Trauma Support Systems (P.A.T.S.S.) Team offers expert-led workshops. Facilitators bring years of lived experience to guide participants in establishing effective peer support groups.

What Makes This Certification Exceptional?
Below are six reasons to participate:

  1. Collaborative Learning: Sessions feature mental health professionals and facilitators with lived experience working together.
  2. Comprehensive Materials: Participants receive a detailed manual for continued learning and application.
  3. Evidence-Based Curriculum: Objectives align directly with the Mental Health Commission of Canada (MHCC) Guidelines, ensuring reliability and accuracy.
  4. Hands-On Practice: Participants actively create and lead a peer support meeting during the workshop.
  5. Personal Insights: Facilitators share real-life experiences, enriching the learning process.
  6. Certification: Each participant earns a certificate for completing 16 hours of training provided by the Mood Disorders Society of Canada.

Rescheduled Event Details (TBD):

  • Location: Leduc Legion, Leduc, AB.
  • Cost: Thanks to generous third-party fundraisers supporting Legacy Place Society, the workshop cost is reduced to $50 (normally $400). Participants must attend both days to qualify for certification.
  • Parking: Free parking is available on-site.
  • Refreshments: Please bring your own nut-free snacks and lunch (or purchase lunch on-site).
  • Dress Code: Business casual attire

The Value of 2019 Peer Support Certification:
Peer support enhances clinical care by creating a community of mutual understanding. It offers a safe space where participants can connect, build resilience, and develop the skills needed to lead effective support groups.

Register for the Upcoming Peer Support Certification Workshop:
The new dates for this workshop will be announced soon and you can learn more by visiting www.legacyplacesociety.com for updates. Additionally, you can contact us at info@legacyplacesociety.com for more information.


mood disorders of canada

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“Simply” Complex Trauma Conference – 2018

"Simply" Complex Trauma Conference

“Simply” Complex Trauma Conference

We are excited to announce the “Simply” Complex Trauma Conference hosted by the Carewest Operational Stress Injury Clinic Calgary on April 13, 2018. This essential event will take place at the Ross Glen Hall, Mount Royal University (4825 Mount Royal Gate SW, Calgary) from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM. The registration fee is $85, which covers lunch and refreshments.

Why Attend?

The “Simply” Complex Trauma Conference will offer key insights into understanding, treating, and supporting individuals affected by complex trauma. Leading experts, professionals, and researchers will share the latest knowledge and approaches to trauma care. Whether you’re a clinician, healthcare professional, or someone affected by trauma, this event will provide practical skills and information to support recovery and healing.

Key Topics:

  • What We Know So Far: Hear the latest research on complex trauma, its effects, and how it impacts physical and mental health.
  • Practical Skills Demonstration: Learn evidence-based techniques and interventions that can be applied in real-world settings.
  • Building a Trauma Team/Network: Explore how to create an effective network of professionals to offer comprehensive trauma care.
  • Panel Conversation: Engage with experts as they discuss the future of trauma treatment, emerging therapies, and innovations.

Keynote Speakers:

  • Kevin E. Kip, Ph.D., FAHA, AAAS Fellow, University of Florida: A leading researcher in complex trauma and its long-term effects.
  • Cyd Courchesne, Director General, Health Professionals & Chief Medical Officer, Veterans Affairs Canada: An expert in the care of veterans and those affected by operational stress injuries.

Who Should Attend?

This conference is ideal for healthcare professionals, including psychologists, social workers, counselors, and first responders. Veterans, individuals living with trauma, and those supporting trauma-affected people will also find valuable information.

Registration Details:

  • Date: April 13, 2018
  • Time: 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM
  • Location: Ross Glen Hall, Mount Royal University, Calgary, AB
  • Fee: $85 (includes lunch and refreshments)

Don’t miss this opportunity to hear from experts and connect with professionals passionate about improving the lives of those affected by trauma. Space is limited, so be sure to register early.

For more details or to register, please visit our website or contact us. We look forward to seeing you at this impactful event.

Join us at the “Simply” Complex Trauma Conference to advance trauma care and treatment.


Mimentra Mindfulness – Legacy Place Society


Mimentra Mindfulness with Legacy Place Society

Since 2015, Legacy Place Society has partnered with Mimentra to promote mindfulness as an effective way to enhance personal wellness. Mindfulness practices offer numerous benefits, including improved sleep, focus, emotional balance, and heightened awareness.

If you’re interested in exploring mindfulness, visit Mimentra’s website for more information. You can contact Derek directly at dluk@mimentra.com to receive a login and access the app on your phone or tablet.

Mindfulness Topics Offered:

  • Introduction to Mindfulness: Waking up from autopilot
  • Rebooting Your Brain: Resilient vs. survival brain
  • Emotional Intelligence: Finding space to breathe
  • Turning In: Befriending your body
  • The Body as an Ally: Gathering a scattered mind
  • Taking in Pleasant Experiences: It’s good to be home
  • Dealing with Aversion Without Running Away
  • Newsflash: Thoughts are not facts
  • Untangling Yourself from Jungle Mind
  • RRR: Rewiring your brain
  • Fierce Compassion: Warrior heart
  • Living a Life of Value: Committed action

Each Mimentra topic includes a lesson, practice, and recap with video links or real-life scenarios. There are also guided meditations, breathing exercises, stretches, yoga, and body scans to further support your mindfulness journey.

Rest assured, your progress is securely stored on your device and is not shared outside of it.

Explore mindfulness today and experience the benefits for your overall well-being!

How to Reset the Nervous System

How to reset the nervous system

How to Reset the Nervous System After Trauma: Insights from Experts

Have you ever wondered how to reset your nervous system after a traumatic or alarming event? Understanding the process of nervous system recovery is essential for those experiencing trauma or PTSD.

In an insightful article by Dr. Peter Levine and Dr. Ruth Buczynski, both renowned experts in trauma and PTSD, the authors explore effective methods. Published by the National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine, this article provides valuable insights into trauma recovery.

What Resets the Nervous System After Trauma?

The article explains how specific techniques and therapeutic approaches can help restore balance to the nervous system after experiencing trauma. These strategies play a crucial role in overcoming the lasting effects of traumatic events.

Read the full article to learn more about how trauma affects the nervous system and how to begin healing.


TED Talks to Change Perspective – 2017


8 TED Talks That Will Change Your Perspective on Life

TED Talks, which stand for Technology, Entertainment, and Design, offer some of the most inspiring and thought-provoking content available online. With a time limit of just 18 minutes per speaker, TED Talks provide bite-sized pieces of wisdom that can easily fit into your daily schedule, whether during breaks or commutes. These talks give us the opportunity to expand our understanding of the world by learning from others’ challenges, triumphs, and life lessons.

On those particularly tough days when we need a motivational boost, consider turning to some of these TED Talks to reignite your inspiration and shift your perspective.

1. The Power of Vulnerability by Brené Brown

Brené Brown’s powerful TED Talk on vulnerability has inspired millions of people. She shares how vulnerability, which society often views as weakness, is actually a strength that fosters connection and empathy. People who feel worthy of love and belonging believe their vulnerability makes them beautiful, not weak. Brown’s research reveals that embracing vulnerability is essential to building meaningful relationships.

“In order for connection to happen, we have to allow ourselves to be seen. Truly seen.” – Brené Brown

2. Living Beyond Limits by Amy Purdy

Amy Purdy faced extraordinary challenges after losing both of her legs below the knee, as well as other major health setbacks. Instead of being defeated, she turned these hardships into opportunities, ultimately winning two World Cup gold medals in snowboarding. Amy’s talk encourages us to see our obstacles as “magnificent gifts” that can spark creativity and innovation, propelling us to reach further than we ever imagined.

“This is when I learned our borders and our obstacles can only do two things: 1) Stop us in our tracks or 2) Force us to get really creative.” – Amy Purdy

3. Lessons from the Mental Hospital by Glennon Doyle Melton

Glennon Doyle Melton shares her personal story of struggles with eating disorders, addiction, and emotional pain. With humor and honesty, she teaches us the value of embracing our imperfections and showing up for our own lives. Her message resonates with anyone who has felt lost or broken, encouraging us to be authentic and embrace the messiness of life.

“I’m not afraid of my feelings anymore. I know they can take over for a little while, but at the end of the day, they’re just guides telling me what is the next right thing to do.” – Glennon Doyle Melton

4. The Person You Need to Marry is You by Tracy McMillan

Tracy McMillan’s TED Talk encourages us to focus on self-love and acceptance before we seek love from others. Having been married and divorced three times, McMillan teaches us that true fulfillment comes from committing to ourselves first. This talk offers an empowering perspective on overcoming past relationship challenges and embracing self-worth.

“You’ll learn that there is no man, woman, job, or circumstance that is going to make you whole. And this changes your life.” – Tracy McMillan

5. The Price of Shame by Monica Lewinsky

In her powerful TED Talk, Monica Lewinsky discusses the impact of public humiliation and cyberbullying, sharing how her personal scandal with President Bill Clinton affected her life. With humor and candor, she reflects on the need for empathy and kindness in the face of shame. Lewinsky’s talk serves as a reminder of the toll online ridicule can take on a person’s life.

“Can I see the hands of someone who didn’t make a mistake or regret a decision they made at the age of 22?” – Monica Lewinsky

6. Rethinking Infidelity by Esther Perel

Relationship therapist Esther Perel offers an insightful perspective on infidelity, challenging our preconceived notions about cheating and the reasons behind it. She explains that affairs are often about more than just physical desire – they reflect a deeper emotional longing for attention, validation, and connection.

“Affairs are way less about sex and more about desire… desire for attention, desire to feel special, desire to feel important.” – Esther Perel

7. Why 30 is Not the New 20 by Meg Jay

Clinical psychologist Meg Jay explains why our 20s are a critical period in shaping our future. Far from being a carefree time to “just have fun,” our 20s are when we lay the foundation for our careers, relationships, and personal growth. Jay’s TED Talk highlights the importance of making meaningful decisions during this defining decade, urging young adults to act with purpose and urgency.

“What do you think happens when you pat your 20-something on the back and tell them they have plenty of time? You have robbed that person of their urgency and ambition and nothing happens.” – Meg Jay

8. The Danger of a Single Story by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie discusses the dangers of reducing individuals or cultures to a single narrative. Her TED Talk urges us to recognize the complexity and diversity of people’s lives, challenging stereotypes and promoting a more nuanced understanding of the world.

“The single story creates stereotypes, and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete.” – Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

These TED Talks are more than just inspirational; they provide profound insights into human nature, relationships, and personal growth. Whether you’re facing personal challenges, seeking motivation, or looking to broaden your understanding of the world, these talks offer valuable lessons that will inspire you to live more fully and authentically.