About legacy place society
Our Peace Officers, Fire Fighters, Emergency Medical Services, 911 Dispatch, Veterans and Military Personnel face frustrating and devastating situations on the work front and then find themselves working hard to find a balanced life perspective on the home front.
Legacy Place Society exists to build family resiliency and legacies to withstand the unique challenges faced by Law Enforcement, Emergency Medical / Fire Fighter Services, 911 Dispatchers, Veterans and Military Personnel. The very nature of daily work within these professions can create emotional and physical havoc and the vicarious trauma, ptsd, operational or occupational stress injuries and the psychological and physiological demands of the profession can become major stressors on the individual and their family.
Often what is faced as a family as they try to understand and be supportive during recovery while maintaining family stability is a wide variety of challenges. Legacy Place Society does not replace employee assistance programs or professional medical counsel.
What defines us is how our work is done as we act as a bridge of possibilities between the individual, their place of work and their families. Legacy Place Society is a registered charity that promotes a shared responsibility approach that encourages the individuals and their families to steer themselves through the everyday adversity, reframe the difficult realities of the profession and to encourage daily behaviors that are conducive to recharge and re-engage with themselves, their families and work place.
Our Mission
“Provide empathetic support that builds resiliency individually and within our First Responder and Military Families.”
Our Vision
That all First Responder and Military Personnel have user friendly access to resources to build resiliency and reduce the stigma of mental health concerns as an individual and/or as a family.
Who Do We Help?
Legacy Place Society exists to build family resiliency and legacies to withstand the unique challenges faced by Law Enforcement, Peace Officers, Emergency Medical and Fire Fighter Services, 911 Dispatchers, Veterans and Military Personnel.
This includes but is not limited to: Police, RCMP, Sheriffs, Peace Officers, Border Patrol, Fish and Wildlife Officers, EMS, Firefighters, Ambulance, Paramedics, Correctional Officers, Veterans, 911 Dispatchers, Law Enforcement Agents, Military Personnel, and their immediate family members.

Our Ethics Policy
Legacy Place Society is an organization formed to provide our members with shared knowledge and resources based on best practices and research available from a myriad of confirmed resources. This website serves as a vehicle to share this information. It is not the intent of our Collaborative to operate for the benefit of private interests, to sponsor or endorse ANY specific agency, vendor, manufacturer or product. Nor is it our intent to support or endorse any political candidate or campaign for elected public office.
A Message from our Board Chairperson
It is a privilege to serve the tremendous people who are Legacy Place Society family; people of integrity, honor, and dedication to others. I have the utmost respect for those that have chosen careers in public service and it is my wish that they and their families all live life with joy and success. Thank you for all that you do. These past couple of years have evolved with sound decisions that have strengthened the foundational underpinnings of Legacy Place.
As a group we have taken great steps forward in solidifying our structural and financial systems and have seen overall organizational growth. Sustainability strategies have been designed and will continue to evolve. Many of the Legacy Place family have participated in the programs and mission trips and they continue to bring insight to the various committees and Board as to how to develop in these areas. This helps to recognize the needs of the organization so that we can focus on topics that are most valuable and desired.
I would like to thank the many dedicated volunteers and staff in all they do to see Legacy Place Society move forward. Our victories are all credited to your compassionate efforts and dedication. May we continue to stay inspired and guided by the Legacy Place mission and vision as we plan and implement our future endeavor’s.

Kenneth C L King