“Simply” Complex Trauma Conference Hosted by Carewest Operational Stress Injury Clinic Calgary on April 13, 2018

Trauma April 18 OSI

Save the date of April 13, 2018 for the upcoming “Simply” Complex Trauma Conference hosted by Carewest Operational Stress Injury Clinic Calgary.

$85 registration cost includes lunch and refreshments.  Held at the Ross Glen Hall Mount Royal University 4825 Mount Royal Gate SW Calgary.


What we know so far….. Practical skills demonstration….. Building a trauma team/network….. and a Panel Conversation around what is the future of trauma treatment.

Keynote speaker is Kevin E Kip – Ph.D. FAHA, AAAS Fellow, University of Florida along with Cyd Courchesne – Director General, Health Professionals and Chief Medical Officer Veterans Affairs Canada.