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First Responders and Military Personnel are tough. It’s part of their job. But they’re also human. Behind their uniforms are personal stories, history and empathy. They may be fast acting and always willing to put courage and valour first, but they need support following a crisis. This support is very important for future occupational health, morale, job performance and satisfaction.
Evidence shows that reducing stigma around mental health, raising awareness, building resiliency and developing health coping skills are effective strategies to help prepare for and deal with some of the situations first responders and military personnel may encounter on the job.
Legacy Place Society does much more that provide a safe respite for individuals in crisis. It is directly engaged through contributory activities such as advancing awareness of mental health through a variety of collaborative activities including conference management, peer support and family resiliency workshops.
Having the city of Edmonton rally together for this day of honour and celebration creates opportunities to collaborate, connect and learn about the unique challenges our men and women in uniform experience. It’s a collective opportunity to learn how they work through these challenges and to say thank you for their courage, strength, commitment and sacrifice.
Save the Date! June 8, 2017 Downtown Sir Winston Churchill Square Edmonton
Elevate Edmonton is back once again in building momentum and awareness to the 2nd annual First Responders Day in Edmonton!
It is by no small feat to pull this type of event together and by collaborating together as businesses, partnering agencies, volunteers and citizens of Edmonton, the results of Edmonton’s First Responder Day will be simply amazing.
This year the stakeholders from last year are even more excited after seeing the incredibly positive outcomes from the inaugural event. It really gave the responders an opportunity to experience positive interactions with their fellow Edmontonians.
Demos will include jaws of life, zip lining into Churchill Square from the clock tower, canine units, mobile hospital, and more, as well we will have our chilli cook-off competition again which raised over $2k alone last year (at $5 a bowl and voting rights for buyers) and several more responder groups, including Military.
Hopefully this gives you a good outline of what is the first of its kind in Canada – Edmonton’s First Responders Day.
Sponsorship package details can be obtained thru inquiry to:
Raj Dhunna
or Diana Festejo